4 Easy Brownie Badges to Earn | TroopLeaderHub
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4 Easy Brownie Badges to Earn Your First Year

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Maybe you just started leading this year and want to ease in. Or you could have just a meeting or two left and want to make the most of it. Whatever your reason, leaders all look for easy badges to earn at one time or another. We’ll list some of the easy Brownie badges to earn in the below list. Plus we’ll link some great resources for supplies to complete the badge.

What we consider an “easy badge”.

Everyone’s definition of easy badge is different. But we consider an easy badge to fall into the below categories.

  1. Must be either a 1 meeting or 2 meeting badge at most.

  2. Supplies to complete the badge must be relatively easy to come by. We don’t want to go to specialty stores to find the items and we don’t expect them to cost too much.

  3. The girls should be able to complete the steps without *too* much adult supervision.

  4. The girls’ attention should be held throughout the meeting, making for more engaged and smooth meetings.

4 Easy Badges for Brownies to Earn

So now that you know what we consider an easy badge, let’s get going with the list.

  1. First Aid

  2. Painting

  3. Snacks

  4. Girl Scout Way


First Aid Badge

We think the First Aid badge is one of the easiest Brownie badges to earn because First Aid information never changes. Also, with this being one of the Legacy badges, there are SOOOO many resources available to pull from.

Painting Badge

One of the reasons we picked painting is because almost all girls love to paint. This is a badge that will keep the girls VERY interested. It’s easy because you only need a few supplies - mostly PAINT. While it’s a messy badge to work on, it’s pretty straight forward.

Snacks Badge

Another favorite is Snacks. Again, girls LOVE snacks. Through making snacks and trying snacks, girls will learn what is a healthy snack to have. Keeping them interested in this topic shouldn’t be hard. Make sure to keep them involved in the discussion and activities. This is also a great badge to open up discussions about what snacks you want to serve during your meeting and why we should choose certain snacks over others.

Girl Scout Way Badge

This is another badge that girls will really enjoy. Since it’s focused around the Girl Scouts, the meeting really is fun and celebrates what most girls love about their troop. They can sing, be silly, draw/paint, but mostly spend time with each other. It’s a great badge to bond over and doesn’t require too many supplies or needing to go someplace.

These are all great Brownie badges to work on at home as well.



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