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Leaders Guide
Brownie Eco Friend Badge Workbook

Download the work book  and use the resources below to complete this badge!


Download the booklet from TroopLeaderHub


Print out the booklet. Cut the pages along the dotted line the in center of the page. Staple on the left side.


Meet with your troop and go through the booklet to meet the minimum requirements of the badge!

Suggestions for Using this Booklet

For this badge it is recommended to get outside. Try to incorporate nature into your meeting. It may also be beneficial to go to a wildlife center.

Pages 1

This part is all about getting the girls to think about all the different ways we can help nature. It's not just picking up trash. Some ideas to get the girls thinking:



- watering and feeding your plants

- planting trees or flowers

- bird feeders in the winter

- water collection



- picking up trash

- trimming plants to promote new growth

- removing standing water so bacteria can't grow

- not leaving our belongings outside



Page 2

Using one of the examples from page one, have the girls draw a picture of that task.

Page 3 and Page 4

In nature there is both flora and fauna. Flora is living plants and fauna is living animals. There are many different examples of these on Page 3 that the girls can cut out. Next paste them on Page 4 under the correct name. 


If you want you can also plan an educational video explaining more about different habitats that contain both flora and fauna.

Page 5 and Page 6

A crucial part of being a Girl Scout is learning how to safely build, maintain, and put out a campfire. Either work with a camp guide or watch a video to go over fire safety. 


Planning a fire:


  • Safe location - fire ring or pan

  • Safe weather - make sure it is safe to build a fire, you don't want to build a fire if its' very windy

  • Surroundings - anything overhead or too close to the fire, including clothing and hair

  • Make sure someone is always attending the fire

  • Bucket of water and a wet poking stick



Starting a Fire:


  • You need heat, fuel, and oxygen to make a fire

  • There are 3 types of fuel 

    • tinder: small and flammable like dry twigs and pine needles​

    • kindling: stacks on tinder, try and smaller than the size of your fingers

    • firewood: this will burn the longest. It should be the size of your arm and wider than your wrist

  • Many ways to configure your fuel to start your fire

    • Lean-to

    • Teepee Model​

    • Log Cabin

  • Ways to light a fire:​

    • Waterproof safety matches​

    • For adults they can use a lighter

    • flint and steel

    • Magnesium firestarter


Putting out a campfire:

  • Need to make sure your fire has been completely put out. Let the fire burn down to ash

  • Soak it: Pour a lot of water on the fire to ensure there are no glowing embers

  • Stir the ashes around with a stick or shovel to make sure the moisture hits all the spots

  • Have an adult touch the remaining embers to ensure it is cold. If not, repeat with more water.


Page 7

Here we'll address specific things in nature and talk about how we could be kind to them.


bird: put out bird feeders or  bird houses. leave bird nests where they are, don't touch baby birds, help hurt birds


flowers: plant flowers, don't pick live flowers, feed flowers with water and make sure they get enough sun


pond: don't throw trash in the pond, don't disrupt the birds or other ecology living around the pond


tree: plant a tree, feed a tree with water, sunshine and fertilizer. don't pull off leaves or flowers on a tree, don't carve into a tree or rip off branches


ant hill: leave ant hills alone, don't cover up the top of the mound



Page 8

Now that we know a lot about how to be kind to the outdoors, have the girls think about a place they know that needs some extra kindness. Think about what they can do to improve that outdoor space. Then have them put together a plan to fix it up or help it.



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